Category: Financial Planning

Estate Planning – understanding its many benefits

Estate Planning – Understanding its many benefits

Sequence risk: What is it and why is it important?

Sequence risk – What is it and why is it important.docx

Keep calm and play the long game – Moneyweb

Brought to you by PPS Investments – Keep calm and play the long game – Moneyweb

Estate Planning: A tactical multi-faceted exercise

Creating an estate plan is an important responsibility but, sadly, one that many South Africans fail to undertake. If you have assets, it is advisable to put an estate plan in place to ensure that your loved ones are protected from legal hassles and administrative delays in the event of your death and that the …

How the COVID-19 vaccine affects your clients’ FMI policy

In short, the COVID-19 vaccine does not affect your clients’ FMI policy. However, there have been media reports advising clients to check with their insurer if claims will still get paid if they get the COVID-19 vaccination. We want to reassure both you and your clients that getting the vaccination in no way impinges on …

Securing the survival of the independent advisor

Why it’s important for independent advice to remain independent Many people recognise the value of truly independent financial advice. An advisor that is not tied to any specific product providers can offer a range of solutions from different sources and is more likely to be free from conflicts of interest. However, surviving as a truly …

Bestorwe Boedels

Hierdie brosjure sal u inlig oor die hoofeienskappe van die administrasie van ‘n bestorwe boedel, asook die regsaspekte betrokke. Dit is raadsaam om ‘n prokureur te raadpleeg om u testament op te stel en daar word aanbeveel dat u prokureur in u testament as die Eksekuteur van u boedel aangewys word. U prokureur sal u …

Have you thought about what you’ll do after retirement and what it means for your financial plan?

Traditionally, the focus of every financial plan was retirement. Everything was built around the day that you have to leave formal employment at the age of 60 or 65. However, more and more people are having to ask what happens next. In a time when life expectancy is steadily increasing, the idea of throwing away …